New Stuff!

Monday, October 9, 2006 - 11:47:24 AM

Hello from your favorite red animals, there are many irons in our fires so please do read about what we've been up to: We've uploaded some videos to youtube which you can see here. The Numbers Twist recording has entered the mastering phase. TNT is comprised up of persons that have all been in Red Animal War at one time or another, plus Gray of Saboteur on viloin and Kristin of the Kristin Leigh Project. Saboteur is releasing new music early next year on Engineer Records. It will be a 3-songsplit with The Mockingbird Nightmare and Red Light Green Light. Daniel Jarvis has cut together a mulitmedia presentation for the release and all bands will have enhanced sections on the CD. The Light Fantastic AKA Matt Pittman is doing vocals and getting close to mix time. The demos I've heard sound rad and the drums for this recording are heavy so one can only expect great things. Tactics Productions, of which Justin is 1/3rd, was recently recognized in The Best of Dallas Observer 2006 for music video production. The photo of Youmans is pretty priceless. I took part in Rock Lottery 8 this weekend and found it to be one of the most exciting and gratifying experiences ever. Check it out! Wilganoski is serving time in the armed forces and says his favorite thing to do so far is throw grenades. Meanginless says Mother Russia is coming with Big Brother China and we should all be very, very afraid. Shipman just had a child, welcome Hannah James Shipman, welcome to the world! -Justin 10-9-06


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